Weekly Romance Reading, June 1-3

Influence Over the Past: The Magician
That special someone has put some hooks into you. You have been expertly praised for the way you think, the feelings you have for life, your best achievements, the clothes you wear, the feng shui of your bedroom. That flattery can quickly go to your head.


Influence Over Your Present: The Emperor
Do you know how all those great things about you can be even better? Do what your special someone tells you to do, of course! You feel confident that your compliance will be rewarded.

Influence Over the Future: The Nine of Chalices
The greatest feeling in the world is the happiness of just feeling instead of thinking. Why think? Your treasured beloved is doing that for you. You’re trusted, and following orders makes you even better. Expect to feel absolute serenity no matter what comes your way. At first, you may notice you are cleaning the deceased livestock from your lover’s rituals. Then, somehwere, you will realize that you have been asked to sacrifice those animals yourself. Eventually, you may even notice that the animals start looking less like livestock and more like human beings. As detectives show up and you notice the latest sacrifice looks a lot like you, your last act of joy will be to exsanguinate yourself at your lover’s request. You won’t even mind taking all the blame for the pile the corpses they will find long after you have died.

About Andrew M Johnston

Andrew M. Johnston has worked in a haunted house, web design and video game development. He records music in his spare time at home and infrequently performs on stage in the Austin area.
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